Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I believe we will never be the same again!

Every person on this team has been impacted by Gods power in some way. I cannot speak for everyone but from tonight's get together Many hearts have been cracked open, wide open. Today I took the opportunity to jump in the inflatable with my eleven 8 year olds (lost one gained two). I was worn out and my kids loved it!!! I had a blast. I took the opportunity to learn the spanish phrase "I miss you" (te hecho menos). I used it this morning and it brought smiles to the kids and they gave hugs. I ran in to a guideons bible member and he handed me 30 spanish bibles. I then passed those bibles on to my kids and signed them. I have been learning a lot about these kids and their names and creating a relationship with these kids. I have also found out that there are nine children in our VBS group that are homeless to include Jeanette and Louis. After the VBS was over and we were cleaning up I was broken and crying. I had one of the interpraters who is 15 years old walk up to me and ask me if I wanted to pray for Jeanette. That was just one more thing to add to my emotional super highway. I dropped to my knees right there pouring my heart out for these children.

God has put a lot of people in my life from other states and even countries here. They will always have a special place in my heart. If I was single I would not be returning home.

I have a new prayer request and that request is that my heart for people is not destroyed when I return that the valley never comes and that my desire for people never dies.

Its not about me......

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